Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Best investment today: ETFs

HOVERING at around 8,400 levels, the Sensex has shed more than 60 per cent of its value, since the beginning of this calendar year!

By now, we all know the oft-repeated ‘buy low sell high ’ mantra. So, with equity prices beaten down badly, it does not take rocket science to decipher that NOW is indeed the right opportunity to BUY good quality stocks at low prices.

However, as a layperson, how do you define a good stock? How would you know which stock will give you good returns once the markets take a ‘U’ turn?

Instead of laying your bets on a single stock (and not being sure if it will do well), wouldn’t it be better to simply invest in the index? This way, once the market shoots up, so does your investment and therefore, your returns!

Is it possible to invest in the index? Yes, one way to do this is through an Exchange Traded Fund, or ETF, as it is popularly known.

What are ETFs?-- ETFs, like index funds, are mutual fund schemes that invest in stocks in exactly the same proportion as that of a given benchmark index. For instance, the Nifty BeES ETF from Benchmark Mutual Fund invests in the same stocks that the S&P CNX Nifty Index is comprised of.

-- As the name suggests, they are traded on the stock exchange. This means, you can buy and sell ETF units anytime during market hours. This is where they differ from index funds which also invest in index stocks but cannot be traded.

-- To invest in ETFs, you need a trading as well as a demat account.

Why choose ETFs?ETFs are a good bet for more reasons than one.

1. Market linked returnsStatistics show that in the long term, equity returns have surpassed that of every other asset class. Since ETFs invest in securities that form a part of a particular index, their returns are more or less in line with index returns. So, if you have invested in a Sensex based ETF, once the benchmark zooms up, you can be sure that your Sensex based ETF will go up too!
With diversified equity funds, your returns may or may not exceed market returns, that is, your equity fund may not outperform the index.

2. Low costsETFs are generally passively managed. This means that the ETF merely invests in index based stocks and does not deviate into investing in other stocks. Since the ETF does not buy or sell its stocks often, it has lower expenses than that of an actively managed fund. For example, the Nifty BeES has a cost structure of around 0.50 per cent, much lower than what conventional mutual funds levy (around 2.5 per cent).

3. Low tracking errorTracking error is the difference between ETF returns as against that given by the index it tracks. The lower the tracking error, the better is the performance of the fund. Index mutual funds as well as ETFs aim to achieve a tracking error close to zero. ETFs have been seen to have maintained a low tracking error.

4. Real time buying and sellingOther mutual funds can be bought and sold only at the day end’s net asset value (NAV). However, you can buy and sell ETFs just like stocks, that is, during trading hours, which also makes them more liquid.

ETFs offer the best of both worlds – they are mutual funds but are traded like stocks.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How Much are You Really Worth?

Consider a monthly salary of Rs 10,000 per month. Over a 30-year period this salary will mean a total earning of Rs.36 lacs. If this entire salary could be invested at 10% per annum (rate of return) at the end of every month during this period, this will mean a sum of Rs 2 Crores 23 Lacs 70 Thousands at the end of 30 years. Check the following table to find out results for different periods and different rates of return:

Rs10,000 Per Month Will Become

At 10% Per annum

At 9% Per annum

At 8% Per annum

At 7% Per annum

Rs Lacs

Rs Lacs

Rs Lacs

Rs Lacs


30 Yrs





25 Yrs





20 Yrs





15 Yrs





The above data give you an idea about the size of your salary cake for the rest of your working life. Creating a fortune would begin with holding on to biggest possible slice out of this salary cake...

For example, a person holding on to 10% of his salary of Rs 10,000 per month for 25 years will have managed to create Rs 11.21 lacs at 9% per annum, a sum relatively immense for somebody earning only Rs 1.20 lacs per annum...

This is true at every salary level and at any rate of return on account of regularity and time value benefits...

Salary earners get known amount of earning at known dates. House and consumer durable purchases are financed through EMIs (equated monthly instalments) of loan repayments by utilising this known income stream to make these purchases affordable...

You have to use the same power of salary to build your wealth, and the result will obviously be a miracle...

The Truth About Your Money Now

Let us try to find out the quantum of real gain/loss in value of your money with reference to a 8.5% annual rate of inflation that we should normally plan against. A sum of Rs 1,00,000 will be worth the following amounts after the periods mentioned in column 1 at various rates of returns as indicated in the following table:

After :At 10%At 9%At 8%At 7%
10 years1,14,7171,04,70595,48687,004
15 years 1,22,8691,07,14093,30681,154
20 years1,31,6011,09,63191,17675,697
25 years1,40,9531,12,18189,09470,608
30 years1,50,9691,14,79087,06065,860

**(Tax Effect Not Considered)
Thus, if you are earning a rate of return lower than the rate of inflation, you will not be actually growing your money... Similarly, the more the actual growth rate of your money is above or below the inflation rate, the faster your real money will grow or deplete, not proportionately...
Read the above sentence again. Try to fully understand what we are trying to say. This information is of immense import and most of us are totally unaware of this...

Planning Investment...Planning Future..

Now you entered into the world of investment....
The intention of this site is to create awareness about the Investment in the minds of the world's biggest Democratics, Growing Indians.
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In this blog, we will post unbiased findings about Investment Options available which will help every Indian.

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Our posts will help each and every Indian to understand depth of Investment.

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